Politics and Bullying
When it comes to social media, politics and bullying go hand-in-hand. From trolling to fake news, the internet has seemingly become a breeding ground for online abuse and harassment. Social media has also become a popular way for candidates to connect with voters and build a following before an election. In our article you will find information about the uses in politics and the abuses that have developed over time.
Social Media and Politics on the Internet
Social media has become one of the most powerful and influential tools for politicians, activists, businesses, and ordinary people alike. In our modern world, it’s not just about being able to read and share what’s going on, but also about…
1140Social Media – its Part in Cyber-Bullying
Cyber-bullying is a form of bullying that is especially prevalent online. Cyber-bullying involves online harassment, bullying, and intimidation, which is most often carried out through social media. Cyber-bullying is a growing problem in the…
A Brief Explanation of Atoms
An atom is the smallest possible unit of a chemical element. In other words, an atom is the smallest part of a chemical element that still has all the properties of that element. Each different…

History of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry
The Nobel Prize is a set of annual awards given to people who have made excellent contributions to society. The fields covered by these awards include Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature,…

Alexander Fleming and the Discovery of Penicillin
Penicillin is one of the most widely known antibiotics, and with good reason. It has saved millions of lives, including those of countless soldiers injured in battle as well as civilians who…

Types Cases for Mobile Phones
Everyone loves their mobile phones and we all want to keep them as safe as possible. In today's market, there are many different types of cases that you can use to protect your mobile phone from wear…

How many Apps are there for iOS?
With the rise of smartphones becoming a staple in our everyday lives, it is no surprise that apps have become an integral part of our lives. As of April 2021, there are over 2 million apps available…

Building an App for a Smartphone
With the rapid growth of smartphone technology, the need for businesses to invest in mobile apps is becoming increasingly important. Building a mobile app is no small feat, but it can be a great way…

Exploring AI-Powered Fitness and Wellness Apps
In recent years, the fitness and wellness industry has witnessed a rapid transformation, thanks to the advancements in technology. One of the most notable developments is the emergence of AI-powered…

7 Innovative AI Solutions for Data Visualization
Data visualization is a crucial aspect of any business's success in today's digital age. With the rise of big data, it can be overwhelming to navigate and make sense of all the information available.…

AI and Language Learning: The New Frontier
As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, the world of education is undergoing a significant transformation. One of the most exciting developments in recent years has been the…

An Insight into Photons?
Photons are the elementary particles of light. They are a type of particle called a quantum, which is the smallest identifiable unit of matter. Photons have no mass, but they do have energy and…