What are the Most Successful Cryptocurrencies?
Cryptocurrencies are virtual coins or tokens that are designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses strong cryptography to secure transactions and monitor their spendability. The first cryptocurrency to be created was Bitcoin in 2009 by an…
1143Cryptocurrencies: The Future of Money or A Scam?
Cryptocurrencies have captured the imagination of the general public, and it’s not hard to see why. After the global financial crisis of 2008, which saw hundreds of billions of dollars worth of wealth evaporate in the blink of an eye, it’s…
1377The History and Evolution of Crypo-currency
Cryptocurrency has been around for almost as long as the internet itself. After all, it was only in 2008 that the world’s first virtual currency, Bitcoin, was created. Many other cryptocurrencies have since entered the market, each with their…
1261The Relation of Fintech and its Digital Providers
Fintech is the intersection between financial services and technology. As new banking technologies continue to emerge, it’s imperative that financial institutions stay ahead of the curve to stay relevant. The industry is also under constant…
1917Financial Technology and Crypto-currencies
It seems like every day there is another news story telling us about another major financial institution that is looking into incorporating cryptocurrency into their businesses. There’s been the announcement of a global alliance of banks that…
2182Fintech and its Relation to Traditional Banking
The financial services industry is constantly evolving and changing thanks to new technologies and fintech startups. These changes have brought the banking sector up against new competitors and new opportunities. Most notably, the rise ofThe ch…
2056What is the Connection Between Crowd-funding and Fintech?
The fintech revolution is disrupting the financial services industry and challenging long-held industry practices. Traditional banks are under pressure from new technologies that offer services that are cheaper, faster, and more convenient. But…
2600PayPal and its Impact in Fintech
PayPal is an online payment company which primarily services as a means of payment for e-commerce services. The company also offers various financial services such as personal loans, credit cards, and a payment processing service. Users can also…
2091The History and Development of Fintech
Fintech has come a long way since the early days of the internet. This momentous transformation of the financial services industry has come about at a staggering pace. The rise of digital banking and the introduction of mobile technology haveFi…
1963What is Digital Banking and Fintech?
Digital banking is the future of financial services, and fintech is the future of digital banking. When you think about it, both of these terms may seem a bit familiar. After all, isn’t that what so-called “old-school” banking has already…
1951The Biggest Industries in the World
The world has become a small place, with rapid global communication and transportation. Businesses today operate in an international marketplace where customers, competitors, suppliers, and partners are all located everywhere. This has led toMi…