Automobiles – The Future of Electric Cars
The world has run out of oil and gas. Or rather, we’ve run out of accessible oil and gas. Even with all of the new extraction methods available, it’s nearly impossible to find enough oil and gas to keep pace with the world’s rapidly risingIn th…
1891The Coal Industry Today and Tomorrow
Coal remains one of the world’s most abundant and affordable fuels, with 329 million tons produced in 2016. Coal is abundant, carbon-rich and easy to mine and process. These characteristics make it attractive to many countries looking to…
1268What makes up the Petroleum Industry?
Oil and gas exploration and production involves significant risks. Resources found in oil- and gas-rich rock formations fluctuate and can be depleted faster than the rate of discovery. Oil and gas companies must constantly innovate and find new…
1949The Biggest Industries in the World
The world has become a small place, with rapid global communication and transportation. Businesses today operate in an international marketplace where customers, competitors, suppliers, and partners are all located everywhere. This has led toMi…