Tech Quick LinksInformation
Every Day Computers in the Home
Today’s smart home devices are a vast improvement over the clunky old-school versions. They connect us to the outside world, help us manage day-to-day tasks, and make our homes feel like homes again. But these home automation devices can also…
2141Messaging Apps and Systems on our Mobile Phones
The mobile phone as we know it today is a relatively new invention. From its humble beginnings as a handheld device for making short-range telephone calls, the mobile phone has grown into an indispensable tool for communicating and stayingApps …
1311Social Media – its Part in Cyber-Bullying
Cyber-bullying is a form of bullying that is especially prevalent online. Cyber-bullying involves online harassment, bullying, and intimidation, which is most often carried out through social media. Cyber-bullying is a growing problem in the…
1111Cybercrime and its Effect on the Internet
The internet has become a ubiquitous part of modern life, and with that, cybercrime has become an increasingly serious problem. The internet has made it easier than ever for criminals to carry out their activities undetected, both online and…
1097Internet Vulnerabilities and Security Solutions
With all the talk about cyberattacks and data breaches, you might think that the Internet is an unsafe place. But, as it turns out, the Internet is actually a very safe place. Well, unless you have an Internet connection that’s constantly…
1129The Internet and the significance of Websites
From Wikipedia: The World Wide Web or the Web is an international system of interlinked computer networks that can be accessed from any location with an Internet connection. The system comprises servers and client computers that communicate with…
1094The Military and the Internet Relationship
The combination of the Internet and the military has had a massive impact on how the world is wired. The widespread use of the Internet and mobile phones has changed the way the world communicates, moves information, and shares data. The…