Computer Technology and Todays Machines
Today’s computers are fast and efficient, but they’re also enormous and expensive. The first computers were built by governments and research institutions, and they were massive. Even before the personal computer, some people were using home…
1502Mobile Phones its Birth and Evolution
The mobile phone has become so ubiquitous in modern life that it’s almost hard to imagine life before them. They’ve become an essential part of daily life, and have become such an important part of society that many people believe they could…
1984What were the First Mobile Telephones?
The first mobile phones appeared in the early 1900s, but they were wired to stationary telephones. These wired telephones were used mostly in offices and businesses. By the mid-1950s, mobile phones began to appear in homes, and they have become…
1139Cybercrime and its Effect on the Internet
The internet has become a ubiquitous part of modern life, and with that, cybercrime has become an increasingly serious problem. The internet has made it easier than ever for criminals to carry out their activities undetected, both online and…
1141Internet Vulnerabilities and Security Solutions
With all the talk about cyberattacks and data breaches, you might think that the Internet is an unsafe place. But, as it turns out, the Internet is actually a very safe place. Well, unless you have an Internet connection that’s constantly…
1194The Birth of the Internet Highway
The modern internet owes its existence to a series of government-funded projects. It began with the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) in the early 1960s, and expanded into a network of networks with the creation of the National…
1153The Internet and its Evolutionary Story
The advent of the World Wide Web has changed the way we live our lives. From staying connected with friends and family to researching and purchasing goods, our lives are becoming more digital by the day. But the digital world is not new. FromEv…
1074What is the future of the Internet?
The Internet has become an integral part of modern life. The World Wide Web has become an essential tool for research and education, as well as a source of information for millions of people around the globe. While the Internet has provided many…
991An Introduction to E Commerce and its place on the Internet
E-commerce has come a long way since its inception. Gone are the days when you would have to queue up at a Selectric typewriter-cum-kiosk to place an order. Today, with the advent of the internet and e-commerce, you can make purchases from the…
1062The Internet and the significance of Websites
From Wikipedia: The World Wide Web or the Web is an international system of interlinked computer networks that can be accessed from any location with an Internet connection. The system comprises servers and client computers that communicate with…
1148The Languages That Program the Internet
You’ve probably heard the term many times before, but how much do you really know about it? The Internet is a vast and ever-growing medium, so it’s important to know as much as possible about it. For the non-geeks, the Internet is a system…
1125The Military and the Internet Relationship
The combination of the Internet and the military has had a massive impact on how the world is wired. The widespread use of the Internet and mobile phones has changed the way the world communicates, moves information, and shares data. The…