The Invention of the Automobile Assembly Line
The automobile has played a key role in advancing production processes and methods ever since its invention. From the first horseless carriages to the assembly lines of today, the automobile has continually evolved and changed the way we make…
1372PayPal and its Impact in Fintech
PayPal is an online payment company which primarily services as a means of payment for e-commerce services. The company also offers various financial services such as personal loans, credit cards, and a payment processing service. Users can also…
2079The History and Development of Fintech
Fintech has come a long way since the early days of the internet. This momentous transformation of the financial services industry has come about at a staggering pace. The rise of digital banking and the introduction of mobile technology haveFi…
1952A Basic Understanding of the Pharmaceutical Industry
Pharmaceuticals are often grouped together as chemical products, however the pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical manufacturing industries are quite different.In the pharmaceutical industry, manufacturing can be understood to mean the production o…
1441Industry – The Car Industry and its Future
The car industry represents a major segment of the modern day economy. In 2016, it was the third largest employer in the world, with almost 1.5 million people working in it. The emergence of the car industry in the early 20th century had a major…
1419Social Media and the Telegram App
Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security. It is developed by Telegram Messenger LLP company located in Belferd, UK. It was created by the team of seven people with a mission to create an open source messaging app with aWha…
1148Social Media and the WhatApp Platform
WhatsApp is a mobile application that enables you to communicate with your friends and family using a phone number and a phone number they don’t have. It’s an excellent way to stay in touch, and it also makes it easier to find out what’s…