Computers and What is Binary Code?
Before computers were able to do anything more complex than addition, they first needed to be able to understand and process the two most basic elements of any computer program: 1s and 0s.The original binary computers could only process these…
1925The Invention of the Silicon Chip
Did you know that the silicon chip used in electronics today is actually a re-purposed military component? Even though it was originally created for a completely different purpose, this component has now found its way into many modern…
1532Financial Technology and Remittance
There is a growing trend of working overseas and living in other countries. According to a World Bank report, the number of people living outside their country of origin has risen to 222 million in 2012. Working overseas or living in other…
2282Social Media and the WhatApp Platform
WhatsApp is a mobile application that enables you to communicate with your friends and family using a phone number and a phone number they don’t have. It’s an excellent way to stay in touch, and it also makes it easier to find out what’s…