How does Cryptocurrency Work in the Real World?
As an asset class, cryptocurrencies are still in their infancy. But the market is growing rapidly, with new cryptocurrencies being introduced all the time. And that means there are plenty of unanswered questions about how cryptocurrency actually…
1308The Black Market and Criminal Uses of Cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies have become increasingly popular over the last few years, with many people believing they are the future of money. However, this begs the question: What are cryptocurrencies actually good for? And are they being used for…
1088The History and Evolution of Crypo-currency
Cryptocurrency has been around for almost as long as the internet itself. After all, it was only in 2008 that the world’s first virtual currency, Bitcoin, was created. Many other cryptocurrencies have since entered the market, each with their…
1216The Relation of Fintech and its Digital Providers
Fintech is the intersection between financial services and technology. As new banking technologies continue to emerge, it’s imperative that financial institutions stay ahead of the curve to stay relevant. The industry is also under constant…
1794PayPal and its Impact in Fintech
PayPal is an online payment company which primarily services as a means of payment for e-commerce services. The company also offers various financial services such as personal loans, credit cards, and a payment processing service. Users can also…
1973The Adverse Effects of Mobile phones in our Lives
Smart phones and mobile phones have revolutionized the world in so many ways. From staying connected to family and friends, to accessing the internet and apps, mobile phones have made the world a smaller place. Even though these phones have…
1087The History of the Mobile Phone
The mobile phone has changed the way people communicate with one another. It has become a necessity rather than a luxury, as it is now with us everywhere. People keep their mobile phones with them at all times. It is their constant companion.…
1217Messaging Apps and Systems on our Mobile Phones
The mobile phone as we know it today is a relatively new invention. From its humble beginnings as a handheld device for making short-range telephone calls, the mobile phone has grown into an indispensable tool for communicating and stayingApps …
1320Social Networking and Relation to Smartphones
Smartphones have changed the way we interact with the world around us. They have also transformed the way we communicate, go about our daily lives, and access information and services.Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube …
1129Social Media and the Facebook Platform
Facebook is the biggest social media platform for businesses and organizations in the world. Even more than that, it is used by more than 2 billion people worldwide and by more than 60% of the world’s population. It is also the biggest andWhat …
1193Social Media and the Telegram App
Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security. It is developed by Telegram Messenger LLP company located in Belferd, UK. It was created by the team of seven people with a mission to create an open source messaging app with aWha…
1103The Invention of Social Media and its Evolution
The term “social media” has become so overused these days that it’s difficult to imagine that it was once a relatively new term. The term was coined by a company called Odeo. In 2006, Odeo was one of the first social media websites to gain…