Every Day Computers in the Home
Today’s smart home devices are a vast improvement over the clunky old-school versions. They connect us to the outside world, help us manage day-to-day tasks, and make our homes feel like homes again. But these home automation devices can also…
2206Bitcoin and its Benefits in the Marketplace
In 2009, the concept of digital currency was nothing more than the stuff of science fiction. Today, it is a staple of modern society. Known as cryptocurrencies, these digital currencies are not backed by governments or banks. Instead, they are…
2106How does Cryptocurrency Work in the Real World?
As an asset class, cryptocurrencies are still in their infancy. But the market is growing rapidly, with new cryptocurrencies being introduced all the time. And that means there are plenty of unanswered questions about how cryptocurrency actually…
1353Internet Vulnerabilities and Security Solutions
With all the talk about cyberattacks and data breaches, you might think that the Internet is an unsafe place. But, as it turns out, the Internet is actually a very safe place. Well, unless you have an Internet connection that’s constantly…