Tech Quick LinksSmartphones
Mobile Phones its Birth and Evolution
The mobile phone has become so ubiquitous in modern life that it’s almost hard to imagine life before them. They’ve become an essential part of daily life, and have become such an important part of society that many people believe they could…
1825Social Networking and Relation to Smartphones
Smartphones have changed the way we interact with the world around us. They have also transformed the way we communicate, go about our daily lives, and access information and services.Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube …
1099The Creation of Mobile Apps for Smartphones
Smartphones have become the defacto mobile platform for applications and development. Especially for users in the younger generation who have grown up with smartphones, mobile apps have become the norm. There are so many apps today, and moreWha…
1030Using your Mobile Phone for Fitness
There’s no denying that smartphone use has become ubiquitous in today’s modern world. With the massive growth of the mobile app ecosystem over the past few years, the extent to which smartphone use has permeated our daily lives has been…