Computers and What is Binary Code?
Before computers were able to do anything more complex than addition, they first needed to be able to understand and process the two most basic elements of any computer program: 1s and 0s.The original binary computers could only process these…
1874The History of the Computer Revolution
The computer has come a long way in the last sixty years. It started out as a tool for the world’s greatest minds. Scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers could all benefit from a super-fast method of crunching numbers or testing…
1138Bitcoin and its Benefits in the Marketplace
In 2009, the concept of digital currency was nothing more than the stuff of science fiction. Today, it is a staple of modern society. Known as cryptocurrencies, these digital currencies are not backed by governments or banks. Instead, they are…
1941How does Cryptocurrency Work in the Real World?
As an asset class, cryptocurrencies are still in their infancy. But the market is growing rapidly, with new cryptocurrencies being introduced all the time. And that means there are plenty of unanswered questions about how cryptocurrency actually…
1283An Introduction to E Commerce and its place on the Internet
E-commerce has come a long way since its inception. Gone are the days when you would have to queue up at a Selectric typewriter-cum-kiosk to place an order. Today, with the advent of the internet and e-commerce, you can make purchases from the…