Blog postComputer Consuls – Gaming and Virtual Reality
Computer Consuls – Gaming and Virtual Reality
Gaming has a long and rich history, with many different gaming styles and genres present from the earliest days of gaming all the way to modern times. In fact, the earliest computer games date back to the early 1950s! Nowadays, gaming is a big…
2185Blog postComputers and What is Binary Code?
Computers and What is Binary Code?
Before computers were able to do anything more complex than addition, they first needed to be able to understand and process the two most basic elements of any computer program: 1s and 0s.The original binary computers could only process these…
1994Blog postBitcoin and its Benefits in the Marketplace
Bitcoin and its Benefits in the Marketplace
In 2009, the concept of digital currency was nothing more than the stuff of science fiction. Today, it is a staple of modern society. Known as cryptocurrencies, these digital currencies are not backed by governments or banks. Instead, they are…
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